Financial Advisors

To help financial advisors stay attuned to our proprietary Sandhill strategies, this suite of resources further explains our fundamental investment approach and provides more in-depth information on our recent portfolio performance.


Concentrated Equity Alpha

Our flagship multi-cap growth product, the Sandhill Concentrated Equity Alpha (CEA) portfolio is comprised of about 30 high-quality, competitively advantaged holdings.

With a diversified mix of best-in-class companies, our CEA portfolio intends to provide a solid risk-adjusted return for the long-term growth-oriented investor. Our multi-cap strategy allows us to find value in all areas of the market and incorporates broad diversification with a clear understanding of what we own.

Corporate Bond

An actively managed fixed income strategy, the Sandhill Corporate Bond portfolio is comprised of individual corporate bonds held to maturity to provide added portfolio stability.

We utilize broad diversification to minimize credit risk and shorter maturities to lessen interest rate risk. Our Corporate Bond product is intended to protect capital and generate meaningful income. We invest in corporate bonds that mature within two to ten years.

Why SMAs?

Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) allow for direct ownership, superior customization, and transparency. By offering increased control, tax efficiency, and customizable portfolios, SMAs can easily distinguish themselves from conventional ETFs and mutual funds.

With institutional market access and low expenses, SMAs provide active management via personalized strategies—meeting the demand for effective financial investment solutions.

Why You Own It

In investment research, the key question is: is this a good company? Our latest analyses examine the investment theses, management quality, business models, and competitive moats of our newest additions to our flagship equity portfolio.

Practice Management Hub

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Explore our repository of in-depth insights curated by our team of seasoned analysts and portfolio managers. From macroeconomic commentary to comprehensive white papers on portfolio construction, learn from our collection of research-focused resources.